

May 24, 2022

Marijuana Use Linked to Consequences in Young Users

A common narrative heard circulating amongst the proponents of cannabis legalization is that cannabis is not dangerous and therefore should be legal. This narrative is not just misleading; it’s largely untrue. As cannabis research continues, scientists and researchers are finding many dangerous health complications intimately connected to cannabis.


August 24, 2023

Ten Ways Cannabis Negatively Affects Users’ Health Outcomes

Cannabis is often labeled by its supporters as a health solution. However, the negative physical and mental effects of cannabis are not often discussed by advocates pushing for its legalization. It’s important to consider the many well-documented negative short-term and long-term health effects of using cannabis products.


March 14, 2024

These Illicit Drugs Can Destroy Your Lungs as Well as Your Life

Illicit drugs may pose far greater risks to your lung health than you realize, triggering conditions like pneumonia, emphysema, and even asphyxia. From alcohol to heroin, the ten substances discussed in this article impair breathing, set the stage for infection and dysfunction, and can easily turn deadly. Seeking help is crucial for those affected by addiction.


March 7, 2024

What Is “Delta 8,” What Does It Do, and Who Is Using It?

This article explores the sudden emergence of an industry devoted to the manufacture and sales of Delta-8, a psychoactive substance derived from hemp. It’s sold even in states where marijuana is not legal, due to a legal loophole in the 2018 Farm Bill. The article examines the effects of this new drug and why its regulation has fallen between the cracks in state after state. Even more cannabis products are on the verge of release, without research or legislation that could keep consumers safe.


November 22, 2022

High Potency Cannabis Linked to High Risk for Health Problems

It is generally accepted that the more potent a drug is, the more powerful and severe its effects on users. So why is cannabis being treated like the same drug used by previous generations? The cannabis of today is not the cannabis of yesteryear. The serious health problems today’s users face stand as evidence of that.


April 6, 2023

Marijuana Exposures Among Colorado Children on the Rise

The increase in child and adolescent cannabis exposure is a clear downside of cannabis legalization, yet the issue is rarely discussed. This article reports on the problem as it is currently developing in Colorado, while also touching on other health-related harmful effects of cannabis legalization...


May 3, 2022

Missteps in Oregon Decriminalization Illustrate Need for Additional Addiction Treatment Resources

In 2020, Oregon passed decriminalization legislation to reduce the harmful effects of the addiction-to-prison pipeline and the failed war on drugs. However, new data shows that the implementation of the state’s program fell short of properly incentivizing addicts to seek treatment. The result was a less effective plan than intended and addicts continuing to use drugs.