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Club Drug Addiction Information & Resources

Most common club drugs: MDMA/Ecstasy, GHB, Ketamine, Rohypnol, Methamphetamine, LSD

Club drugs is a term used to describe a group of drugs often used by people who go to dance clubs, nightclubs and raves. While these drugs have varying effects, they all affect the minds, behaviors and central nervous systems of those that take them. Some of them intensify the experience of hearing music and watching the lights of a dance venue.

Club Drug Addiction

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Find more information about club drug and club drug addiction with professionally reviewed up-to-date articles. Getting informed is the first step in overcoming club drug addiction.


Club Drug Abuse Signs

Young woman out clubing

People consuming club drugs say they are just looking for a good time, but that good time can turn into mental or physical damage, addiction or even death.


Club Drug Stats & Trends

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Stay informed on the latest news, trends and statistics on club drug addiction and club drug-related news.


The majority of these drugs are stimulants that enable a person to move to the music all night if they want to. But each drug comes with its own dangers, some of which can be fatal.1

The drugs most commonly included in this group are:

  • MDMA/ecstasy
  • GHB
  • Ketamine
  • Rohypnol
  • Methamphetamine
  • LSD


MDMA intensifies the sense of touch and makes lights more dazzling. Night clubs cater to those in the audience who take MDMA by handing out light sticks and lighted necklaces and by running light shows.

MDMA is a stimulant, which means users may become overheated, causing some to suffer organ collapse and death. Problems that are common after heavy use are confusion, deep depression and impaired memory and attention.2


While most of the GHB on the market is illicitly manufactured, there is a prescription form of this drug called Xylem. When taken in the dosages used by a drug abuser, this drug causes euphoria, excitement, aggressive behavior and hallucinations. As well as being addictive, it is sometimes used as a date rape drug and can cause fatal overdoses.3


Ketamine is used in veterinary practices as a sedative and painkiller. In a club, the drug is used to distort sights and sounds and sedate the user. If enough of the drug is used, the person may become immobile and feel detached from their body. They may not have a memory of the event. Effects like agitation, depression and hallucinations are also possible.4


This is a medical drug, a type of benzodiazepine, not sold in the U.S. It is readily available in Mexico. This is a popular date rape drug because it tends to wipe the memory of the person taking it. It also causes drowsiness, sedation, confusion and impaired judgment.5


Methampetamine or “meth” is a strong stimulant that is highly damaging to both the body and mind. Its effects include memory loss, sleeplessness, loss of appetite and aggression. When a person becomes a heavy user, it can cause psychotic behavior and damage to the cardiovascular system. It is highly addictive.6


LSD is short for Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. It is a powerful hallucinogen, altering the user’s perceptions of time, space, sight and sound. It also impairs judgment which can cause a user to have fatal accidents. The effects can be terrifying, resulting in panic attacks or psychotic episodes.7


  1. MedlinePlus. “Club drugs.” MedlinePlus, 2021. MedlinePlus Article ↩︎

  2. NIDA. “MDMA (Ecstasy/Molly) DrugFacts.” NIDA, 2020. NIDA Article ↩︎

  3. DEA. “GHB - Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid.” DEA, 2021. DEA Article ↩︎

  4. DEA. “Ketamine.” DEA, 2021. DEA Article ↩︎

  5. DEA. “Rohypnol.” DEA, 2020. DEA Publication ↩︎

  6. NIDA. “Methamphetamine Research Report.” NIDA, 2019. NIDA Article ↩︎

  7. DEA. “LSD.” DEA, 2020. DEA Publication ↩︎

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